The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
For the first time, humanity has a collective, universal roadmap: the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Developpment
that takes into account the overall interests of the inhabitants of the planet.

All countries are called to jointly
address the urgent challenges of the planet
and to achieve the goals of sustainable development at the national level.
Mankind faces enormous challenges - migration, climate change, environmental degradation, poverty and hunger, to name but a few. In our globalised world, these problems cannot be solved by individual states.
The international community has therefore established a framework to promote common solution: The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development was adopted by all 193 UN member states in 2015. Central to this international agreement are the 17 Sustainable Development Goals/SDGs setting out social, economic and environmental milestones to be reached worldwide by 2030. They apply to all countries and are universally applicable. To this end it engaged in a broad dialogue with representatives from politics, administration, civil society, business and academia.
No one can go at it alone on sustainable development
Non Governmental Organizations, Regional/local associations, leaders....are close to the people, much closer in many cases than national or local authorities, and thus have a better perspective on the actual impacts of decisions on the population in general and the most vulnerable in particular
Now is the time to invest in committed change makers such as rural communities, youth employment, children and families at risk, women empowerment, climate change... that are already on the way to help deliver the UN Promise: a world free of poverty, inequality and violence based on Human rights principles.
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