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Developping Countries






MOROCCO Khénifra 













Togo -West Africa






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A Malagasy organisation, in partnership with UNDP / Small Fund Grant.


Supporting young people in isolated and extreme-poor indigenous communities condition.



Awareness: Organization of events, Interactive workshops throughout the territory of Madagascar.


Support for projects to improve living conditions: Food autonomy, Water and sanitation, Renewable energy, Education and Health, Livestock and agriculture, Employment, Environment, Assistance to the most vulnerable, Prevention of natural disasters


Accompanying local democracy:Training and  knowledge transfer - inter-generational and cultural transfer






A Genevan/Swiss organisation, 30 years of partnership with the city of Geneva.


Neighborhood rehabilitation: Constructive practice of neighborhood democracy

Professional and social reintegration: Holistic follow-up of vulnerable young people

Sustainable development projects: Improvment of leaving condition



Urban agriculture: Successful experimentation over a period of 20 years

Organic restaurant: Home of people from all backgrounds, ages, social conditions

Health and well-being: Psychosocial health and general public Awareness 

Sustainable development project: Solar energy, Food autonomy

Social Entrepreneurship: Training and Professional Integration for Displaced Women in Syria

Cultural events: Exhibition, Discussion forum, Workshops ...






A Swiss organisation, in partnership with local Moroccan organizations and the Moroccan national authorities, the Swiss Cooperation and Swiss non governmental organisations.


Mobilization of synergies and capacity building at the level of:

Local organizations

Most vulnerable people

Young people

Local authorities


Projects: Pre-school and extracurricular education; Sensitization, literacy and women's empowerment, Education of children with disabilities; Supply for Schools and Hospitals; Job creation ; Transfer of knowledge and technical capabilities; Environmental protection, Socio-economic and energy projects, Civil protection training in the event of natural disasters.






A local organisation from Morocco supporting  local  institutions and 131  local associations in the implementation of public services  Al YASSAMINE directly serves  more than 15 000  people 

in rural areas.


Rehabilitation / Maintenance of premises and environment; Supply of medical and educational equipment for hospitals and schools, Water castle, ...

Humanitarian and social action: Humanitarian aid,  Medical caravan, sport activities, children festival, ....

Small-scale development projects: Empowerment of women, of persons with handicap, Literacy, Implementation of socio-economic projects.





HOMENA Morocco is a PNI MENA region section and is registered under PNI organisation, I t operates throughout the Moroccan region, HOMENA Morocco is located in Taroudant, Tiznit, Guelmim, Marrakech, Casablanca, Rabat, Agadir.


Improving social dialogue and quality of life on a daily basis, HOMENA Morocco remains at the service of the region's strategy, social, economic and environmental performance by being a partner in the ongoing national reforms.


HOMENA offers citizens and communities tailor-made advice, awareness and training in a comprehensive approach.

HOMENA works in a logic at the service of the social, legal and stability-security-sustainable development issues of the Kingdom of Morocco and all its inhabitants ... essential condition to the objective 11 of the Sustainable Development Goals.




A Togolese organization present in 14 countries including 10 in French-speaking Africa,  granted with special ECOSOC consultative status with the UN.


In partnership with the Togolese government, AA and its partners  mobilize hundreds of West African doctors and specialized surgeons.


The organization develops mobile medical structures to reach the most disadvantaged populations of the country, offer quality care and surgical interventions for all, create health centers, support the training of medical staff, and launch social development projects. -economic and community-wide throughout the country concerned.


AIMES-AFRIQUE SUISSE, headquartered in Geneva, works with partner organizations, medical and hospital centers, faculties of medicine, high schools of health and higher institutes, international organizations such as the WHO, the Council for Human Rights. man .... to this common challenge





New vision, is a Lebanese organisation,


in partnership with German, Swiss, Chilli and USA organisations, is focusing on the young generation at risk and working in Lebanon and Syria with displaced families in conflict zone. 


New Vision provides without discrimination with:


  • Daily food security and nutrition needs

  • An educational center (academic and hygienic education)

  • Shelter and settlement projects

  • Income-generating developmental family projects (Dairy cows..),

  • Women empowerment projects (beauty training to start a small beauty business, generate profit)

  • Sponsorship of children including activities that pertain to trauma-care, social cohesion, awareness against violence and creativity






Take Heart organization stands with local leaders serving persecuted Christian around the globe to let them know they are not alone, and to develop programs designed to seek opportunities for development.


Takeheart organization encourage, technically equip  and financially support  them to overcoming their lack of resources and organization's weknesses and threat.


Currently working in Egypt, Iraq and Syria with: 


  • Medical clinics

  • Financial support  

  • Education from elementary to high school for displaced children

  • Income generating activities 



An Egyptian initiative headquartered in Cairo with satellite offices across Egypt and a varied array of local partners, PDS enjoys unparalleled access to the most remote and least developed areas of the nation and an in-depth knowledge of the local operating environment. Besides, thanks to its strong network of external consultants and experts,  EL MAHROUSA PdS is quickly becoming a leading partner of international think-tanks, NGOs and donors.


Through dialogue, advisory, training, research and advocacy, EL MAHROUSA PdS strives to translate best practices from around the world into a local context in order to make those initiatives more efficient.

EL MAHROUSA PdS helps organizations to evaluate and articulate their strategies, to improve project effectiveness, streamline conversion costs, manage limited resources and achieve on-time delivery. Its advice and trainings supports vibrant and active civil society and top-level policy makers in evidence-based and impact-oriented decision making. 

EL MAHROUSA PdS embeds the best of  private sector expertise in development policies to achieve lasting changes and ensure broader consensus on goals and actions.









EL MASHREQ FOUNDATION is a non-profit Egyptian NGO established in 2008 and registered with the Ministry of Social Solidarity. Its mission is to promote women's economic and social rights and enable them to play an influential role in public life. Human and institutional capacity building focusing on women and youth groups. 


The MASHREQ FOUNDATION aims to promote non discrimination and non violence, a safe working environment for all, more specifically for women, and to raise the awareness about the importance of active participation in the elections either through candidacy or through elections.



            For Development & Population






       & Partners

for persons in situation of disability



An Jordan national initiative.


Created in 2008, MyHeart intends to be an agent of change in the society in which it operates through physiotherapeutic support, community actions and educational events. These actions aim to provide persons in situation of disability a voice, and to awareness of their value, needs and potential.





A multi stakeholders initiative that contributes to the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by supporting Geneva-based actors in further leveraging expertise and knowledge into policy, practice and action.


Focused on delivering the 2030 Agenda and identified strategic opportunities for convergence in order to energize and maximize the added-value of International Geneva in supporting implementation of the SDGs.


The Lab contributes to Geneva “walking the talk” when it comes to delivering the SDGs. It creates space for interdisciplinary and multisectoral collaboration while consistently testing assumptions and asking questions about what is needed to achieve the 2030 Agenda.


This dynamic Lab model strengthens the individual efforts of governments and organizations by amplifying their unique voices, creating space for new partnerships to form, and providing a platform to innovate and experiment.  


It supports the collective knowledge and expertise within Geneva, making it increasingly relevant and actionable for national and local level SDG implementation.







The  UN project aims to highlight the impact of the work done by all of the UN and international organizations, non-governmental organizations and other institutions based in Geneva.


Its objective is to broaden the overall understanding of just how relevant the work carried out by international Geneva is, not only in the context of humanitarian assistance, peacekeeping or global health, but also to everyday life.



















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